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pl=>POLI profile, B7176 profile, POLI klus profile, POLI channel, profil led, profil led IP67, profil led alu, led profiles,#en=>POLI profile, B7176 profile, POLI klus profile, POLI channel, profil led, profil led IP67, profil led alu, led profiles,#de=>POLI profile, B7176 profile, POLI klus profile, POLI channel, profil led, profil led IP67, profil led alu, led profiles,#ru=>POLI profile, B7176 profile, POLI klus profile, POLI channel, profil led, profil led IP67, profil led alu, led profiles,#cz=>POLI profile, B7176 profile, POLI klus profile, POLI channel, profil led, profil led IP67, profil led alu, led profiles,pl=>#en=>#de=>#ru=>#cz=>pl=>#en=>#de=>#ru=>#cz=>pl=>#en=>#de=>#ru=>#cz=>
pl=>POLI profile, B7176 profile, POLI klus profile, POLI channel, profil led, profil led IP67, profil led alu, led profiles,#en=>POLI profile, B7176 profile, POLI klus profile, POLI channel, profil led, profil led IP67, profil led alu, led profiles,#de=>POLI profile, B7176 profile, POLI klus profile, POLI channel, profil led, profil led IP67, profil led alu, led profiles,#ru=>POLI profile, B7176 profile, POLI klus profile, POLI channel, profil led, profil led IP67, profil led alu, led profiles,#cz=>POLI profile, B7176 profile, POLI klus profile, POLI channel, profil led, profil led IP67, profil led alu, led profiles,

Profile LED POLI


Availability: Available

Shipping time: 4 days

The cost of shipping: from 7.26 Euro

Number: 1734


EAN: 5902280305880

Condition of the product: New

Price: 8.15 Euro

Quantity: meter
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Important Information

The purchase a piece in the store means the purchase 1 linear meter of the profile or cover

If you want to buy a profile that has a length of 2 meters you have to buy 2 pieces, 3 meters you have to buy 3 pieces, and the multitude of quantity when ordering.

The total length of the aluminum profile or the panel to the profile - is the total quantity of the piece number that was bought in the store.

The choice of the appropriate shipping method will take place at the end of the order process.
The details of the shipping method and packaging of the aluminum profiles you will find here (click in the link)

Aluminum profile
The product you have selected contains only - aluminum profile - does not include the accessories located in the Accessories tab.
Additional accessories like covers, end caps, electricity conductive end cap, mounting bracket, fasteners, mounting springs, proximity switch, micro switch, mounting system and others are available under "Accessories".

covers, end caps, electricity conductive end cap, mounting bracket, fasteners, mounting springs, proximity switch, micro switch, mounting system 

If you are interested in longer lengths than one meter, write to us we will quote the delivery cost to you. Transport companies expect additional charges for long shipments.
For each country is different maximum length of the profile that we can send. It does not depend on us only by courier.
We also do service cutting aluminum profiles to the indicated size - write or call get comprehensive information.


Profile LED POLI is used in the illumination of niches and gaps in suspended ceilings and walls. Depending on your needs, you can place it in any room in the house, even in the bathroom, for example. Illuminating found in the mirror. Profile POLI provides full opportunity to freely adjust the angle of ordination, so you can adapt it to their individual needs. It is extremely advantageous if the profile with light source is located above the mirror, because the viewing angle can be adjusted so that the lamp illuminated the elements on which we most care. The structure has one great advantage, which is the ability to mount it in places inaccessible to ordinary assembly tools, which is the only possible solution to choose.

The system includes POLI profile named POLI and set appropriate for him montage bracked.

Fixing profile POLI is very simple and easy to carry, even by an inexperienced person. Profile, is fastened to the so-called mocownika. cliques. In mocowniku it is specially designed hook so that it was possible to block the preset angle of light, which definitely makes it easier to use. Beam angle can be continuously adjusted in the range of 90 degrees. It is worth mentioning that set the lock can always slow down and change the viewing angle.

There is a possibility of bending profile so that it was possible illumination of selected niches that have smooth lines, but you need to be aware that if you can not adjust the angle of the light, so before we get to act it is worth considering what effect we want to achieve.

POLI fasteners are made of polystyrene. It is possible to stick them to all kinds of surfaces by using for this purpose the mounting most of the adhesives which are available on the Polish market. Using glue mounting significantly simplifies and speeds up the installation process and also makes it possible disassembly is easier to carry out. At the discretion it possible to paint the data mocowników the selected color, eg. On the color of the substrate to which they are attached so as to fit into the environment, and the whole look aesthetically pleasing and nice to look at.

Profile POLI dedicated casings are standard HS, K, KA-BIS, LIGER, and light gray cap POLI, which easily can be found on our website under "Accessories".

If you have any questions, please contact our support, which will try to answer all your questions.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer.


POLI profile |, B7176 profile, POLI klus profile, POLI channel,

POLI profile |, B7176 profile, POLI klus profile, POLI channel,
POLI profile |, B7176 profile, POLI klus profile, POLI channel, POLI profile |, B7176 profile, POLI klus profile, POLI channel,

POLI profile |, B7176 profile, POLI klus profile, POLI channel,




pl=>Osłona KA mleczna, słona podstawowa dedykowana do większości mniejszych profili firmy KLUŚ#en=>KA frosted Cover, Basic cover dedicated to most standard KLUS extrusions of small size#de=>KA Abdeckung milchig, Grundabdeckung für die meisten kleineren Profile von KLUŚ#ru=>Рассеиватель КА молочный цвет, Основной рассеиватель для большинства небольших профилей KLUŚ#cz=>Difuzor KA mléčný, Základní difuzor určený pro většinu menších profilů Kluś
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pl=>OOsłona KA przezroczysta, Osłona podstawowa dedykowana do wszystkich podstawowych profili firmy Kluś#en=>KA clear Cover, Basic cover dedicated to all standard Kluś extrusions#de=>KA Abdeckung transparent, Grundabdeckung für alle Grundprofile von Kluś#ru=>Рассеиватель KA прозрачный, Основной рассеиватель для всех основных профилей KLUŚ#cz=>Difuzor KA čirý, Základní difuzor určený pro všechny základní profily Kluś
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pl=>Osłona HS / HS-11 mleczna, rekomendujemy osłonę HS w procesie uszczelniania profili#en=>HS / HS-11 frosted Cover, We recommend the HS cover for sealing fixtures#de=>HS / HS-11 Abdeckung milchig, Wir empfehlen die HS Abdeckung bei der Abdichtung von Profile#ru=>Osłonka, Cover, Abdeckung HS / HS-11#cz=>Difuzor HS / HS-11 mléčný, Doporučujeme difuzor HS při utěsňování profilu
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pl=>Osłona HS / HS-11 przezroczysta, Odporność na działanie mechaniczne#en=>HS / HS-11 clear Cover, Very good mechanical resistance#de=>HS / HS-11Abdeckung transparent, Widerstand gegen mechanische Einwirkungen#ru=>Osłonka, Cover, Abdeckung HS / HS-11#cz=>Difuzor HS / HS-11 čirý, Velmi dobrá mechanická odolnost
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pl=>Osłona KA-COM mleczna, Osłona podstawowa dedykowana do wszystkich podstawowych profili firmy Kluś#en=>KA-COM frosted Cover, Basic cover dedicated to all standard Kluś extrusions#de=>KA-COM Abdeckung milchig, Grundabdeckung für alle Grundprofile von Kluś#ru=>Рассеиватель KA-COM молочный цвет, Основной рассеиватель для всех основных профилей KLUŚ#cz=>Difuzor KA-COM mléčný, Základní difuzor určený pro všechny základní profily firmy Kluś
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pl=>Osłona KA-COM przezroczysta, Osłona podstawowa dedykowana do wszystkich podstawowych profili firmy Kluś#en=>KA-COM clear Cover, Basic cover dedicated to all standard Kluś extrusions#de=>KA-COM Abdeckung transparent, Grundabdeckung für alle Grundprofile von Kluś#ru=>Рассеиватель KA-COM прозрачный, Основной рассеиватель для большинства небольших профилей KLUŚ#cz=>Difuzor KA-COM čirý, Základní difuzor určený pro všechny základní profily firmy Kluś
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pl=>Zaślepka POLI szara, Estetycznie wykańcza profil#en=>POLI grey End cap, Aesthetically finishing the extrusion#de=>POLI Endkappe grau, Ansprechendes Finish des Profils#ru=>Заглушка POLI серая, Эстетичная отделка профиля#cz=>Záslepka POLI šedá, Estetické ukončení profilu
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pl=>Mocownik POLI, Mocownik dedykowany do osadzania profilu POLI w niszach architektonicznych płynną regulację kąta świecenia. Szeroka podstawa pozwala na zastosowanie kleju montażowego lub wkrętów by przymocować go do powierzchni#en=>POLI Mounting bracket, The mounting bracket is designed for embedding the POLI profile in architectural niches and allows smooth adjustment of the light angle. Its wide base allows the use of mounting adhesive or screws to attach it to the surface#de=>Befestigungsclip POLI, Der Befestigungsclip zum Einbetten des POLI Profils in architektonische Nischen, sanfte Einstellung des Lichtwinkels. Die breite Basis ermöglicht die Verwendung von Montagekleber oder Schrauben, um ihn auf der Oberfläche zu befestigen.#ru=>Крепежный элемент POLI, Крепежный элемент предназначен для встраивания профиля POLI в архитектурные ниши и плавной регулировки угла освещения. Широкое основание позволяет использовать монтажный клей или шурупы, чтобы прикрепить его к поверхности.#cz=>Úchytka POLI, Úchytka určená pro připevnění profilu POLI do architektonických nik, plynulá regulace úhlu osvětlení. Široká základna umožňuje použití montážního ledidla nebo šroubů, které jej připevní k povrchu.
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POLI - Assembly of the profile / Montage des Profils / Montaż profilu / Sestavení profilu / Сборка профиля

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