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Luminaire square moving, casting - chromepl=>Oprawa halogenowa - kwadratowa ruchoma, odlew - chrom wymiary#en=>Luminaire square moving, casting - chrome#de=>Leuchten Platz bewegen, Gießen - Chrom#ru=>oprawa led, oprawa led do podbitki, oprawa led sufitowa, oprawy oświetleniowe led, oprawa led 230v, oprawa led zewnętrzna, oprawa led schodowa, oprawa led ip44,   LED luminaire,  binding led to the soffit,  LED luminaire Ceiling  LED luminaires,  LED ligh#cz=>Svítidlo náměstí stěhování, lití - chrom
Luminaire square moving, casting - chrome
pl=>Oprawa halogenowa - kwadratowa ruchoma, odlew - chrom wymiary#en=>Luminaire square moving, casting - chrome#de=>Leuchten Platz bewegen, Gießen - Chrom#ru=>oprawa led, oprawa led do podbitki, oprawa led sufitowa, oprawy oświetleniowe led, oprawa led 230v, oprawa led zewnętrzna, oprawa led schodowa, oprawa led ip44,   LED luminaire,  binding led to the soffit,  LED luminaire Ceiling  LED luminaires,  LED ligh#cz=>Svítidlo náměstí stěhování, lití - chrom

Luminaire square moving, casting - chrome


Availability: Availability - 3 days

Shipping time: 3 days

The cost of shipping: from 4.54 Euro

Number: 973


EAN: 5901583242960

Price: 3.38 Euro

Quantity: pcs.
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  • Product description
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Material: cast 
Diameter of bulb: 50 mm 
Hole Diameter: 65 - 70 mm 
Dimensions (L x W x H): 80 x 80 x 22 mm 
Adjustment: mobile 
Deflection angle: 45 °

The moving halogen fixture is a high-quality product that allows you to create stylish lighting in the apartment. The square frame in silver will perfectly fit into modern interiors and will give them an interesting character. In addition, the possibility of directing the light to a specific place will allow for an interesting effect in any interior. The product allows for a tilt of up to 45 degrees and allows the installation of a bulb with a diameter of 50 mm. Our offer also includes many other luminaires that will perfectly match your needs.

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oprawa led, oprawa led do podbitki, oprawa led sufitowa, oprawy oświetleniowe led, oprawa led 230v, oprawa led zewnętrzna, oprawa led schodowa, oprawa led ip44, LED luminaire, binding led to the soffit, LED luminaire Ceiling LED luminaires, LED lighting 230v, Outdoor LED lighting, LED lighting staircase, IP44 LED luminaire, LED-Leuchte, Bindung führte an der Rohdecke, LED-Leuchte Decken LED-Leuchten, LED-Beleuchtung 230V, Outdoor-LED-Beleuchtung, LED-Beleuchtung Treppenhaus, IP44 LED-Leuchte, Светодиодный светильник, связывание привело к перекрытию, Светодиодный светильник потолочный Светодиодные светильники, Светодиодное освещение 230v, Открытый светодиодное освещение, Светодиодное освещение лестницы, IP44 светодиодный светильник, LED svítidlo, vazba vedla k nosné stropní konstrukci, LED svítidlo Ceiling LED svítidla, LED osvětlení 230V, Venkovní LED osvětlení, LED osvětlení schodiště, IP44 LED svítidlo,


Manufacturer contact details:

Ledline, Dębowa 1, 07-410 Tobolice, Polska, e-mail:

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