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Canopy Fi-60mm gray C24540pl=>Podsufitka Fi-60mm szara C24540#en=>Canopy Fi-60mm gray C24540#de=>Baldachin Fi-60mm grau C24540#ru=>Потолочна розетка Fi-60mm серый C24540#cz=>Kabina Fi-60mm šedá C24540
Canopy Fi-60mm gray C24540
pl=>Podsufitka Fi-60mm szara C24540#en=>Canopy Fi-60mm gray C24540#de=>Baldachin Fi-60mm grau C24540#ru=>Потолочна розетка Fi-60mm серый C24540#cz=>Kabina Fi-60mm šedá C24540

Canopy Fi-60mm gray C24540


Availability: Available

Shipping time: 10 days

The cost of shipping: from 7.26 Euro

Number: 3053


EAN: 5902280360315

Condition of the product: New

Price: 23.87 Euro

Quantity: meter
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The Canopy Fi-60mm is a practical solution designed for the aesthetic and secure installation of power supplies and electronic components.

Intended Use:

  • Installation of power supplies and electronic components.


  • To surfaces using a dedicated mounting bracket and appropriate screws.

Additional Information:

  • Finish: lacquered, ensuring durability and aesthetics.
  • Material: steel, resistant to mechanical damage.
  • IP Rating: IP20, suitable for indoor use.

Technical Specifications:

  • Height: 30 mm
  • Diameter: 60 mm

The Canopy Fi-60mm combines durability, ease of installation, and a modern look.

Canopy Fi-60mm klusdesign

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Manufacturer contact details:

KLUS, Słoneczna 126, 05-506 Kolonia Lesznowola, Polska, e-mail: biuro@klusdesign.com
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